Worship Preparation - September 22, 2024

Read the sermon text: 2 Timothy 3:1-9

Read the sermon summary: What do you imagine the last days will be like? Do you think it’ll be clear that we’re in the last days? While many are looking for the signs of the last day in the future, in our passage for this Sunday we see that we are living in the last days. Paul wants Timothy to understand the difficulties presented by the last days in which he lived. We see that the reason things are so difficult for Timothy is that there are vicious opponents to the truth. Rather than engaging with these corrupted false teachers, Timothy is to completely avoid them, knowing that their own ungodly behavior and teachings will lead to their destruction. This passage is a sharp reminder that we are living in the last days. We shouldn’t be surprised by fiery trials that surround us. Rather, we should be prepared to face not only circumstantial trials, but also opposition to the truth by even those who name the name of Christ. And since we are in the last days, we have the confident hope of Christ coming again to make all things new.

Read the following song lyrics in relation to the sermon: 


Verse 1

For my waking breath

For my daily bread

I depend on You

I depend on You

For the sun to rise

For my sleep at night

I depend on You

I depend on You

Chorus 1

You’re the way the truth and the life

You’re the well that never runs dry

I’m the branch and You are the vine

Draw me close and teach me to abide

Verse 2

Where the Spirit leads

As I’m following

I depend on You

I depend on You

For the victories

Still in front of me

I depend on You

I depend on You

Chorus 2

You’re the way the truth and the life

You’re the well that never runs dry

I’m the branch and You are the vine

Draw me close and teach me to abide

Be my strength my song in the night

Be my all my treasure my prize

I am Yours forever You're mine

Draw me close and teach me to abide

Verse 3

When I pass through death

As I enter rest

I depend on You

I depend on You

For eternal life

To be raised with Christ

I depend on You

I depend on You

Chorus 2

You’re the way the truth and the life

You’re the well that never runs dry

I’m the branch and You are the vine

Draw me close and teach me to abide

Be my strength my song in the night

Be my all my treasure my prize

I am Yours forever You're mine

Draw me close and teach me to abide


Oh would you teach me

Would You teach me to abide

I depend on You

I depend on You

CCLI Song #7168160

Aaron Keyes | Aaron Williams | Jake Fauber

© Aaronwilliamsmusic; Integrity Worship Music; WellWithYouMusic

For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com

CCLI License #11078052


Worship Preparation - September 15, 2024