Worship Preparation - October 16, 2022

Sunday, October 16, 2022
Read the sermon text: Romans 3:21-31
Read the sermon summary: Paul, the apostle, presents arguably the clearest Gospel explanation in Romans chapter 3. God’s expectation for all men and women is to be holy, living in right relationship with Him. However, having a fallen nature, mankind is unable to meet this expectation. The Law was given to Israel in order to show them how messed up they really were. The Law was not given to save anyone, but actually to show that one cannot be “good enough” to save themselves. Then comes Jesus. God the Son, who DID live perfectly according to the Law. Jesus provided a way for Jews and Gentiles to be made righteous. God’s terms for salvation via the Law were fulfilled in Christ. Your only response is to put your faith in this promise. Faith brings reconciliation and will make you justified before God. Legalism won’t save you. Don’t even try to boast in your own “goodness”. Put your faith in the one who provides the free gift of righteousness.

Read the following song lyrics in relation to the sermon: 

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of our God
We like sheep have gone astray and turned to our own ways

How wide the gap between us and our Lord
How deep the space that separated us

We had no means to bridge the void because we were unclean
Underneath the weight of sin we had no way to him

How wide the gap between us and our Lord
How deep the space that separated us

But Jesus came, took our sin, stretched his arms
From God to man, shed his blood, by his grace
Every gap there was he filled it up
Filled it up

Our rebellion kept us from communion with our Lord
How could sinful man atone for all the wrong we've done

How wide the gap between us and our Lord
How deep the space that separated us

But Jesus came, took our sin, stretched his arms
From God to man, shed his blood, by his grace
Every gap there was he filled it up
Filled it up

How wide the gap
Deep the space
Great the sin
That needed grace

How great our God
Strong enough
Saw the gap
And filled it up

I'm so glad that my saviour died
He came to save a wretch like me
I'm so happy that he came
And saved a wretch

He filled it up

Songwriters: Jonathan Solomon

Preaching: Nick Nail
Leading Music: Seth Hubler


Worship Preparation - October 23, 2022


Worship Preparation - October 9, 2022