Worship Preparation - November 13, 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022
Read the sermon text: Romans 6:1-14
Read the sermon summary: What sins do you continue to struggle with? Do those sins reign over you? In our passage for this Sunday, Paul draws out some implications for our union with Christ in his death and resurrection. Does sin reign over believers? Paul answers this questions with indicative answers and imperative ones. The indicative mood signifies statements of fact. “One who has died has been set free from sin. “Sin will have no dominion over you.” But these indicatives do not exclude imperatives, that is, commands to the believers. For Paul also says, “Let not sin reign in your mortal bodies,” and “do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness.” What is the proper response to the truth that as sin increased, grace abounded all the more? Having been justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we are now called to make a present of ourselves to God for deeds of righteousness. This stands in stark contrast to our old lives and marks a radical change in how we face temptation and live each day. In preparation for the sermon consider the following questions: In what ways do you feel like sin still reigns over you? Do you notice in your own life the change that Paul describes? How do we make sense of Paul’s teaching that sin does not reign over believers and his command to believers to not let sin reign?

Read the following song lyrics in relation to the sermon: 

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer
There is no more for heaven now to give
He is my joy my righteousness and freedom
My steadfast love my deep and boundless peace

To this I hold my hope is only Jesus
For my life is wholly bound to his
Oh how strange and divine I can sing all is mine
Yet not I but through Christ in me

The night is dark but I am not forsaken
For by my side the Saviour he will stay
I labour on in weakness and rejoicing
For in my need his power is displayed

To this I hold my Shepherd will defend me
Through the deepest valley he will lead
Oh the night has been won and I shall overcome
Yet not I but through Christ in me

No fate I dread I know I am forgiven
The future sure the price it has been paid
For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon
And he was raised to overthrow the grave

To this I hold my sin has been defeated
Jesus now and ever is my plea
Oh the chains are released I can sing I am free
Yet not I but through Christ in me

With every breath I long to follow Jesus
For he has said that he will bring me home
And day by day I know he will renew me
Until I stand with joy before the throne

To this I hold my hope is only Jesus
All the glory evermore to him
When the race is complete still my lips shall repeat
Yet not I but through Christ in me

When the race is complete still my lips shall repeat
Yet not I but through Christ in me
Yet not I but through Christ in me

CCLI Song # 7121852

Jonny Robinson | Michael Farren | Rich Thompson

  • © 2018 CityAlight Music (Admin. by Integrity Music)

  • Farren Love And War Publishing (Admin. by Integrity Music)

  • Integrity's Alleluia! Music (Admin. by Integrity Music)

For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com

CCLI License # 11078052

Preaching: Jim Upchurch
Leading Music: Seth Hubler


Worship Preparation - November 20, 2022


Worship Preparation - November 6, 2022