Worship Preparation - July 30, 2023

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Read the sermon text: Romans 14:1-12

Read the sermon summary: What does it mean to have unity in the church? Must we agree on everything to be in unity? In our passage for this Sunday, we see that Paul would answer that question with a resounding, “No.” One principle we live by at Christ Church is “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, love.” As we will see this Sunday, Paul gives us principles for relating to one another regarding non-essentials. He gives two examples (eating meat and observing special days) which seem to be related to Old Testament ritual laws. Our unity is not found in agreement on tertiary matters, but in the gospel and in our love for another. In this way, the primacy of the gospel is highlighted to a watching world as what binds us together, rather than our individual opinions or preferences.

Read the following song lyrics in relation to the sermon: 

There Is One Gospel

There is one Gospel on which I stand

For all eternity

It is my story my Father's plan

The Son has rescued me

Oh what a Gospel oh what a peace

My highest joy and my deepest need

Now and forever He is my light

I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

There is one Gospel to which I cling

All else I count as loss

For there where justice and mercy meet

He saved me on the cross

No more I boast in what I can bring

No more I carry the weight of sin

For He has brought me from death to life

I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

There is one Gospel where hope is found

The empty tomb still speaks

For death could not keep my Saviour down

He lives and I am free

Now on my Saviour I fix my eyes

My life is His and His hope is mine

For he has promised I too will rise

I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

And in this Gospel the church is one

We do not walk alone

We have His Spirit as we press on

To lead us safely home

And when in glory still I will sing

Of this old story that rescued me

Praise to my Saviour the King of life

I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

And when in glory still I will sing

Of this old story that rescued me

Praise to my Saviour the King of life

I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Praise to my Saviour the King of life

I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

CCLI Song # 7199817

Jonny Robinson | Rich Thompson

© 2022 CityAlight Music

For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com

CCLI License # 11078052


Worship Preparation - August 6, 2023


Worship Preparation - July 23, 2023