Worship Preparation - April 14, 2024

Read the sermon text: Hebrews 9:1-14

Read the sermon summary: In our passage for this Sunday, the author of Hebrews once again contrasts the earthly tabernacle with the “perfect tent,” in which Jesus entered into the the true holy place in the presence of God. Here, the author more explicitly details the offering that Jesus made, namely himself. This Sunday we will consider the offering of Jesus and the effectiveness of his blood, which the author says purifies our consciences from dead works to serve the living God.

Read the following song lyrics in relation to the sermon: 

Nothing but the Blood (Plainfield)

What can wash away my sin

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can make me whole again

Nothing but the blood of Jesus


O precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow

No other fount I know

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

For my pardon this I see

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

For my cleansing this my plea

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Nothing can for sin atone

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Naught of good that I have done

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

This is all my hope and peace

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

This is all my righteousness

Nothing but the blood of Jesus


Worship Preparation - April 21, 2024


Worship Preparation - April 7, 2024